There are more complicated explanations on making sure the timezone is set properly and such, but to simply change the time/date, use the following to set the UTC time. Notice that UTC is different than the current time zone most likely, so calculate it accordingly. It is easy enough to just google "time UTC" and find out what it is at this moment.
$ date -u
Obviously mm is month, dd is day, hh is hour in 24-hour time, mm is minutes, yyyy is 4 digit year, and ss is seconds. Again, this is the UTC. Once you set that, typing date will show the current time/date based on your zone. To set the zone, you can link /etc/localtime to the right timezone file in /usr/share/zoneinfo by typing:
$ ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/EST /etc/localtime
If you have a /etc/localtime file there already, you will need to move it out of the way.
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